Delivery and Shipping: Currently we are only able to accept online orders to shipping addresses within the United States and Canada. To ensure the secure delivery of your order, Creative Elegance Jewelry LLC. does not ship orders to P.O. Boxes. Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing items and live outside the USA and Canada.
For each address within the United States, the following charges apply:
Ground shipping via U.S. Post Office Registered Mail: $2.95, please allow 7 to 10 business days.
For each address in Canada, the following charges apply:
Ground shipping via Post Office Registered Mail: $4.95, please allow 7 to 14 business days.
Express shipping is currently not available - we are working to bring this service to our customers.
*Purchases of $40 or more qualifies for free shipping.
Order Status: Lead times vary depending on items purchased. Items in stock ships within 2 to 3 business days. When we have processed your order, we will send you a confirmation email with delivery information.
Payment: We accept the payment methods listed on the bottom of our website.
6% Sales tax will be charged for items shipped within Florida.
Returns: Creative Elegance Jewelry LLC. wants you to be happy with your purchase. If you are not satisfied with your item, you may send it back to us within 30 days of receipt for a refund or exchange. No returns or exchanges will be accepted after the 30 day period. To receive a refund, your item must be returned in the same condition in which it was received with the original jewelry box or pouch. If returned through the U.S. Post Office, be sure to send registered mail insured for the full retail value. The return date will be registered as the date of the shipment. All return shipping charges will be the responsibility of the customer should you decide to return or exchange an item.
Damages and Claims: Please inspect your items before signing the delivery receipt. If damage has been found, please inform the carrier and remark on the delivery paperwork. Creative Elegance Jewelry LLC. will not warrant any damage claims that have not been noted at the point of delivery. You must contact Creative Elegance Jewelry at within 24 hours to report damage.
Pricing: We reserve the right to adjust the pricing of our items at anytime, without any notice.
Please read more about our Refund Policy via our Refund Policy link at bottom of our website.